David M. Sanborn
A write-up about David Sanborn
-By Vincent-
David Sanborn is a fantastic theatrical arts performer from the US.He is the youngest son of missionaries who grew up in Thailand and in Penang.
He recently came down to KL to perform a musical titled King David - Song of the Shepherd, which is a musical about King David in 1 Samuel 16.
This was the second time I actually got to watch his musical.I did not realise what a privilege it would be to me. This is because I happened to bring along a non-Christian friend to the musical.I had been sharing about the love of God to her for the past few months. Too see her raise her hand up when David gave the altar call for those who had not accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour moved me so much because I knew that God loves her very much.
I managed to share this with David after the musical before I left.Just to let him know that he has been a blessing to many people including me and my friend. John 1:4-5
He will be returning to the United States today where he has signed a multi-million US dollar contract for 11 months to perform a musical about Jesus Christ in Broadway.Not the Broadway in New York,mind you. This Broadway is even bigger than the one I mentioned!
I want to wish you God's best in Tennessee, David!=)
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